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-- --
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-- I N T R O --
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-- $Revision: 1.81 $ --
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-- Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994,1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). --
-- --
Running GNAT.
A small example.
Using the binder.
Using gcc to compile.
Using gcc for syntax checking.
Using gcc for semantics checking.
Search Paths and the Run Time Library (RTL).
Smart gnatmake.
Constraint Checking and Pragma Suppress.
Software Overflow Checking.
Order of Compilation Issues.
File Name Rules.
Compiling Files With Several Compilation Units.
Cross Reference Tool.
Implementation of Intrinsic Functions.
Getting Internal Debugging Information.
When GNAT crashes.
Using gdb.
GNAT specific pragmas.
pragma Source_File_Name.
Performance Considerations.
New WARNING messages related to accessibility checks and private packages
Features supported/unsupported.
Ada Mode for Emacs.
Copyright considerations.
How to get in touch with us.
A short gnat paper.
Ada information resources on the Internet.
The GNAT development team.
Running GNAT.
Three steps are needed to create an executable file from an Ada source file:
it must first be compiled, it then must go through the gnat binder, and then
all appropriate object files it needs are then linked together to produce an
executable. A tool has been provided to combine the last 2 steps into one
A small example.
The file hello.adb contains the source of our modest version of the
"Hello World" program. Other components of this program are contained
in the GNAT Runtime Library (RTL). You needn't mention the files
containing these other components but you can find the sources (g-io.ads,
g-io.adb, and a-cio.c) in the RTL source directory (described below).
The file hello.adb can be found in the current distribution in the examples
directory. Here are the commands for building and running it (Since this
documentation is for systems running Unix and also for those running DOS,
IBM OS/2 2.x and Windows NT, in places where the instructions differ a prefix
"Unix:" or "OS/2:" or "DOS:" indicates what is relevant for each system):
gcc -c hello.adb
Unix: gnatbl -o hello hello.ali
OS/2: gnatbl -o hello.exe hello.ali
DOS : gnatbl -o hello.exe hello.ali
create the executable called "hello" or "hello.exe" in your current directory.
In the example above, gnatbl calls the binder and creates a file b_hello.c
which contains among things the calls to the necessary elaboration procedures.
b_hello is then compiled and linked with all the other object files. After the
link is completed, both b_hello.c and b_hello.o (b_hello.obj) are removed by
default. If -g was specified on the call to gnatbl, the two files are not
removed since it is assumed they might be required for debugging.
(Note that the operation of the DOS version of gnatbl changed with GNAT 2.00.
Previously the file hello (no extension) was created. The extra step of
running coff2exe has now been incorporated into gnatbl. In order to lessen
the proliferation of normally unused files, the extensionless coff version
is automatically deleted. If you need it, for example for debugging, it can
be recreated by running exe2coff.)
will allow you to verify that the system is alive and willing to enter into
a primitive dialogue.
The gcc switch -c indicates that we only want to compile, not link. The gnatbl
step produces the executable by means of calling the GNAT binder, compiling
its output, and calling gcc with the needed object files and libraries to
link the executable. The -o switch is passed to the linker to name the
resulting executable file.
As the example suggests, the gcc command recognizes the extension .adb as
an indication of an Ada source file and calls the appropriate programs
to generate an object file (hello.o or hello.obj) and an Ada Library
Information (ALI) file (hello.ali) containing dependency information used
by the binder to verify consistency and determine order of elaboration.
The "ali" extension is recognized by gnatbl as the ALI file of the main
procedure or function, and gnatbl uses it to create a file called the
bind file, and to gather all the needed object files for linking.
[-o exec_name]
[-v] -- verbose mode
[-g] -- include debugging information
[-linkonly] -- doesn't call the binder
[-gnatbind name] -- full name for gnatbind
[-gnatlink name] -- full name for the linker (gcc)
[list of objects] -- non Ada binaries
[linker options] -- other options for the linker
The program gnatbl provides for binding and linking using the GNAT RTL.
Gnatbl calls gnatbind which creates a C file (b_hello.c in our
simple example) containing calls to all of the elaboration routines.
Gnatbind is described more fully below. The typical use of GNAT (currently
-- in the presence of gnatbl) to construct a program consisting of a mix
of Ada and C sources is to compile all of the sources using "gcc -c" to
generate object (.o or .obj) files. In the case of Ada sources, ALI files
with the extension .ali are also produced. Then gnatbl is used to construct
the executable. All arguments to gnatbl are simply passed through to gcc
to link the objects together, with the exception of a file name with the
.ali extension. Such an argument is presumed to be the ALI file of the
main procedure of the program. When gnatbl sees a .ali file it calls gnatbind
to create the bind file, compiles the bind file, extracts a list of needed
object files from the bind file, and replaces the .ali argument with the
a list of object files (the result of compiling the bind file and the list
extracted from the bind file) in the gcc command it makes. As a quick
illustration consider a program comprising main.adb, foo.adb and bar.c.
After compiling these sources into object files, the command (under Unix)
gnatbl -o main main.ali bar.o
would cause gnatbl to:
call "gnatbind main.ali", generating b_main.c
call "gcc -c b_main.c"
call "gcc -o main b_main.o main.o foo.o bar.o (+ gnat library args)"
In the last step, the "main.ali" argument has been replaced by all of the
object files needed by main (the binder file, main itself, and foo -- upon
which main depends). All other gnatbl arguments are passed through unchanged
to gcc. Finally a -l and a -L argument are added to the end of the gcc call
to point it to the gnatlib library. (Under OS/2, the command line and
behavior of gnatbl is similar.) (Under DOS, the additional step of calling
"coff2exe main" is done.)
A current limitation of gnatbl is that the main program must be Ada and that
it depends on all of the necessary library units. In other words, there can
be only one .ali file listed and it must be the main program. This
particularly restricts gnatbl's use when a routine written in another language
calls an Ada subprogram which is not also called from Ada.
[-o exec_name]
Under unix if the -o option is omitted the executable is called the name of
the main unit. So "gnatbl try.ali" will create an executable called try.
Under DOS and OS/2 it would create an exectuable called try.exe.
The verbose option is most useful when the user wants to see what set of
object files that are being used in the link step.
The option to include debugging information causes the C bind file, i.e.
b_foo.c, to be compiled with -g. In addition the b_foo.c and b_foo.o file
will not be removed (without -g the default action is to remove the binder
generated files). Additionally on DOS, it causes the COFF output file to
be preserved and on Windows NT causes extra debugging information to be
linked into the executable.
[-linkonly] -- doesn't call the binder
Do not call gnatbind but rather use the bind file that has already been
generated. This option is useful if the user wants to pass options to
gnatbind which is not directly possible with gnatbl. The sequence would be:
gnatbind binder_options file.ali
gnatbl -linkonly file.ali
[-gnatbind name] -- full name for gnatbind
Allows the user to specify the full path of the gnatbind executable that
gnatbl should use rather than the default one on the path.
[-gnatlink name] -- full name for the linker (gcc)
Using the Binder.
In the "Hello World" example, if gnatbl were not used, the second step
would have been to call the binder directly with the command:
gnatbind hello.ali
This command generates a file named b_hello.c which needs to be compiled and
linked together with hello.o (or hello.obj). The file b_hello.c contains
a program which contains calls to all of the elaboration routines of all
of the units required by the subprogram whose ALI file is given on the command
line. Then it calls the Ada subprogram itself. By default, this C function
is called "main". (For other options, see the section on options below.)
The program gnatbind works by recursively processing the ALI files of all
of the units that are needed. These ALI files are found using the search
path mechanism described below. Since object and ALI files are always
kept together, the object files needed for linking are found at the same
time and are listed in a comment at the end of the bind file. This is where
gnatbl finds the list of object files required.
The options of gnatbind are summarized below. Normally gnatbind is called
by default from gnatbl. If you want to invoke gnatbind explicitly with some
of the options mentioned below, your invoke gnatbind with the options on the
ali file and then invoke gnatbl with the -linkonly option so that the binder
will not be called again.
Usage: gnatbind switches lfile
-b Generate brief messages to stderr even if verbose mode set
-c Check only, no generation of binder output file
-e Output complete list of elaboration order dependencies
-Idir Specify library and source files search path
-l Output chosen elaboration order
-mnnn Limit number of detected errors to nnn (1-999)
-n No main program
-o file give the Output name (default is b_xxx.c)
-s Require all source files to be present
-t Ignore time stamp errors
-v Verbose mode. Error messages,header, summary output to stdout
-wx Warning mode. (x=s/e for suppress/treat as error)
-x Exclude source files (check object consistency only)
lfile Library file names
Using gcc to compile.
In the usual procedures for using GNAT, Ada source programs are compiled into
object files using the driver program 'gcc' with the option '-c' (compile
only). Gcc recognizes the ada filename extensions .ads and .adb (discussed
more thoroughly below) and calls the actual compiler, 'gnat1' to compile
the source file. Gcc has many switches which you will need your gcc
documentation to learn about. In addition, gcc passes gnat1 switches
through to gnat1. These (with a couple of exceptional abbreviations) are
spelled on the gcc command line by "-gnatXXX". Thus
gcc -c -gnata foo.adb
causes gcc to call the Ada compiler gnat1 with gnat1's '-a' switch; the '-c'
is understood by gcc to mean that it is done after producing the object file
(it won't try to link). The output of this command is the object and ALI
files for foo.
In the future, the gcc and the GNAT-specific switches will be more fully
integrated. At this time, there is the "-gnatXXX" mechanism for passing
switches through to gnat1. Some of these switches are described in
specific sections of this document; a more complete discussion is in the
options section below. Note that gcc passes these switches to gnat1
with the "gnat" prefix, where it is stripped off. This means that
when gnat1 is executed the "gnat" prefix is required; but in all of the
documentation the switches are described without the prefix.
Three gcc options are translated to gnat1 arguments when seen on the gcc
command line. These are "k8" (file name limit), "83" (Ada83 syntax) and
"w" (warning mode). Thus, the following commands are identical:
gcc -ws -k8 file.adb
gcc -gnatws -gnatk8 file.adb
i.e., both of them suppress warning messages from GNAT, and expect file names
to be 8 characters long at most (see below for usage).
In addition, the following gcc switches are passed through and recognized by
gnat1 with the same effects as in cc1 (as for C files): "-g*" (other than
"-gnat*"); "-O*"; "-p"; "-pg"; "-f*"; "-d*"; "-S". For example,
gcc -c -g math.adb
will generate debugging information that can be used with the debugger gdb
(see below).
The other flags that control gcc itself (notably -B and -c) and the
assembler, behave as usual. Please consult your GCC documentation for details.
Using gcc for syntax checking
The current release of GNAT implements the full Ada 95 grammar as described in
annotated Ada Reference Manual for Ada 95 (AARM, version 5.95). We think the
parser gives excellent error messages (try it and see!) and is pleasantly
fast (again, try and see!).
To run GNAT in syntax checking only mode, use the switch "s",
that is to say, enter the command:
gcc -c -gnats file
where file is the name of the file to be checked. (Under Unix, wild cards can
be used to check a set of files, as in *.adb.) Note that the 'compile only'
flag has to be given for gcc, as well as the 'syntax only' flag, which is
GNAT-specific. We will remove this redundancy in subsequent releases.
The syntax checker is complete, and quite robust. If you manage
to blow it up, or if it fails to diagnose an error, or lets a syntactically
invalid program through, definitely let us know (see separate section below).
If you find an error message you think could be improved, let us know as well.
Of course, no compiler can ever have perfect error messages (that would involve
mind reading), but we are committed to doing as well as possible, so we are
happy to get suggestions in this department.
Using gcc for semantics checking
The command to perform semantic checking is:
gcc -c -gnatc file
To operate in this mode, since WITH'ed files must be accessed, the GNAT
semantic restrictions on file structuring must be followed:
o The needed source files must be accessible. See the section
below on search paths.
o Each file must contain only one compilation unit.
See the section below on file name rules.
o The file name and unit name must match as described below, under
File name rules.
Note that the use of search paths and the flexibility of the File name
rules will increase in the future as described in the sections on these
The coverage of semantic checks is still incomplete, and the system
is not very robust in the presence of semantically illegal programs.
Nevertheless, this release supports many more features of Ada 95 than the
previous one, and semantic checking is correspondingly more extensive.
Here, use of the 'report errors immediately' switch ("-e", i.e., "-gnate" on
the gcc command line) will help pinpoint the source of the trouble if the
system misbehaves.
Search paths and the Run Time Library (RTL)
With GNAT's source based library system, the compiler must be able to
find source files for units that are needed by the unit being
compiled. Also, during binding, ALI files are needed to do the
required checking of compilation order and to determine elaboration
requirements. Both the compiler and binder use search paths to
locate the files that they need. The rules are straightforward.
The compiler compiles one source file whose name must be givien explicitly
on the command line (i.e. there is no searching done for this file). All
other source files that are needed (the most common being the specs of
WITH'ed units) are found by looking in the following directories:
o The first directory searched is the directory containing the source
file of the main unit being compiled (the file name on the command
line). This directory is the current working directory only if the
input file contains no relative or absolute path
information. Otherwise if the input file is specified as dir/file
then the first directory searched is dir.
o Next, the compiler looks in each directory named by a "-I" option
given to gcc (in the order given on the command line).
o Then the compiler looks in each of the directories listed in the value
of the ADA_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable. This value is constructed
exactly as the PATH environment variable -- a list of directory names
separated by ':' or ';' (Unix or OS/2, respectively) characters. Under
OS/2, this mechanism is used to locate the RTL source files in place of
the default location described next for Unix.
o (Unix only) Finally the compiler looks in the default location for
the GNAT Run Time Library (RTL) source files that is determined at the
time that GNAT is built and installed on your system.
The compiler outputs its object files and ALI files in the current working
directory (NOTE: the object file can be redirected with the -o option;
however, gcc and gnat1 have not been coordinated on this so the ALI file
will not go to the right place -- DON'T DO THIS).
The binder takes the name of an ALI file as its argument and needs to locate
other ALI files in its recursive processing. These are found in the
following directories:
o First, the current working directory is searched.
o Next, the binder looks in directories named in "-I" options on the
gnatbind command line (in the order given).
o Next, the binder looks in each of the directories listed in the value
of the ADA_OBJECTS_PATH environment variable. This value is constructed
exactly as the PATH environment variable -- a list of directory names
separated by ':' or ';' (Unix or OS/2, respectively) characters. Under
OS/2, this mechanism is used to locate the RTL object files in place of
the default location described next for Unix.
o (Unix only) Finally the binder looks in the default location for
the GNAT Run Time Library (RTL) object files that is determined at the
time that GNAT is built and installed on your system.
If the binder is requested to locate source files (for time stamp
verification) the source files are located using the mechanism for
source files described above, that is the curent working directory is
searched first, then the directories specified with -I, then those in
ADA_INCLUDE_PATH, etc. The only difference being that because no
source file is specified to the binder, the first directory which is
searched for sources is the current working directory.
The binder generates the bind file (a C language source file) in the
current working directory.
The packages Ada, System, and Interfaces and their children make up the GNAT
Run Time Library, together with the simple System.IO package used in the "Hello
World" example. The sources for these units are needed by the compiler
and are kept together in one directory (not all of the bodies are needed,
but all of the sources are kept together anyway). The ALI files and object
files generated by compiling the RTL are needed by the binder and the linker,
and are kept together in one directory (typically different from the
directory containing the sources). In a normal installation, the user will
not need to specify these directory names when compiling or binding (or
binding and linking with gnatbl -- though the call to the linker contains
explicit pathnames of the object files). Either the environment variables
(OS/2) or the builtin defaults will cause these files to be found.
Besides the assistance in using the RTL, a major use of search paths is
in compiling sources from multiple directories. This can make development
environments much more flexible.
The user might use the search paths to experiment with alternative RTLs, or
to create new libraries (not the technical Ada meaning here).
Error reporting, as well as other aspects of the behavior of the system,
are controlled by the following flags. All of these must be entered with
the prefix '-gnat'. For example, '-gnatv83' specifies verbose mode for
output, and Ada83 syntax checking.
a Assertions enabled. Pragma Assert and Debug to be activated.
b Generate brief messages to stderr even if verbose mode set.
c Check syntax and semantics only (no code generation attempted)
e Error messages generated immediately, not saved up till end
f Full errors. Normally only the first error on each line is reported.
g GNAT style checks enabled - col alignment, spacing, capitalization.
See any source file for examples.
i? Identifier char set (?=1/2/3/4/8/p/f/n/w) default = i1 (Latin-1)
1-4 = Latin 1-4, p = IBM PC, f/n = full/no, upper w=wide_character
j? Wide character encoding method (?=n/h/u/s/e)
knnn Limit file names to k characters (k = krunch)
l Output full source listing with embedded error messages
mnnn Limit number of detected errors to nnn (1-999)
n Inlining of subprograms (apply pragma Inline across units)
o Enable integer overflow checking using range checks
p Automatic suppression of all run-time checks mentioned in LRM 11.7
q Don't quit, try semantics, even if parse errors
r Reference manual column layout required
s Syntax check only
t Tree output file to be generated
u List units for this compilation
v Verbose mode. Full error output with source lines to stdout.
w? Warning mode. s = suppress, e = treat as error
x? Cross-reference level and switches (?=1/2/3/4/5/9/b/s)
z? Distribution stub generation (r/s for receiver/sender stubs)
83 Enforce Ada 83 restrictions
sfile Source file names (wild cards allowed for multiple files)
Some of these options are explained in more detail elsewhere in this document.
For first-time users, and for first-compilation attempts, the following mode
of operation is recommended:
gcc -c -gnatc lets_try_this.adb
In the following command line description we use BNF notation. Hence
[X] means zero or one occurrence of X, while {Y} means zero, one or
arbitrarily many occurrences of Y.
gnatmake [-a] [-c] [-f] [-g] {[-Idir] [-Ldir]} [-n] [-q] [-s] [-v]
{[-cargs options] [-bargs options] [-largs options]}
The purpose of gnatmake is to automatically determine and (re)compile
the set of Ada sources needed by some ada compilation unit, Unit. An
ada source needed by Unit is recompiled if its corresponding object
file is obsolete with respect to the current sources. By default the
bind and link steps are also performed.
There are two ways to specify the actual compilation unit:
* By giving the name of the compilation unit (`gnatmake Unit')
(gnatmake is case insensitive when giving the unit name)
* By giving the name of the source containing it
("gnatmake file.adb" or "gnatmake file.ads")
To decide whether gnatmake needs to recompile a source file, gnatmake
needs to locate other source files as well as the corresponding .ali
file. The search for source files is done in *exactly* the same
fashion as for gcc, whereas the search for .ali files is done
*exactly* like for the binder (both are described in the section on
search paths above). In particular the switch -I is directly available
in gnatmake (see below).
All gnatmake output is to stderr.
Consider all files. Considers all files in the make process, even
the GNAT internal system files (for instance the predefined Ada
library files). By default gnatmake does not check these internal
files (don't worry this is safe, if there is an installation
problem this will be caught when gnatmake binds your program).
You may have to set this switch if you are working on gnat itself.
For the vast majority of gnatmake users you never need to set this flag.
Compile only. Do not perform binding and linking. If the root unit specified
by unit_or_file_name is not a main unit this is the default. Otherwise
gnatmake will attempt linking and binding unless you have used "-c".
Force recompilations. Recompile all sources even though some object
files may be up to date but don't recompile predifined units or GNAT
internal files unless the -a switch is set.
Compile with debugging information. Same effect as -cargs -g -largs -g.
See below for meaning of -cargs & -largs.
When looking for source or .ali files look also into directory
"dir". The order in which source or .ali files search is
undertaken is described in section search paths above. The -I
switched is passed on to the compiler and the binder automatically
so you need not type -cargs -Idir -bargs -Idir. See below for
the meaning of -cargs & -largs.
Add directory "dir" to the list of directories in which gnatbl
(actually ld) will search for libraries. This is equivalent to
typing -largs -Ldir. See below for the meaning of -largs.
Don't compile, bind or link. Checks if all objects are up to date.
If they are "gnatmake -n" reports that no recompilations needed.
Otherwise "gnatmake -n" stops printing out the full name of the first
encoutered file that needs to be recompiled. Note that if you specify
"-n -f" together, gnatmake will return the full name of the main unit.
Quiet. Without this flag set the commands carried out by gnatmake are
displayed. If -q is set, they are not.
Smart. Performs smart recompilations. See section on smart gnatmake below.
Verbose. Motivates all (re)compilations (ie gives *one* reason for
(re)compiling a source file).
[-cargs options]
Compiler arguments. Without -cargs, gnatmake simply uses "gcc -c"
to perform compilations. Otherwise gnatmake uses "gcc -c c_opts".
"c_opts" is a list of parameters. This list includes all the
options encoutered in the set of "-cargs options" present on the
gnatmake command line. A given sublist of "-cargs options" is
terminated upon encounter of another -cargs, -bargs or -largs.
Note that by default "gnatmake -a" (see flag -a above) compiles all
GNAT internal files with "gcc -c -gnatg" rather than just "gcc -c".
[-bargs options]
Binder arguments. Without -bargs, gnatmake simply uses "gnatbind
unit.ali" to bind. Otherwise gnatmake uses "gnatbind b_opts
unit.ali". "b_opts" is akin to "c_opts" above but is obtained from
"-bargs options".
[-largs options]
Linker arguments. Without -largs, gnatmake simply uses "gnatbl
-linkonly unit.ali" to link. Otherwise gnatmake uses "gnatbl -linkonly
l_opts unit.ali". "l_opts" is akin to "c_opts" and "b_opts" above but
is obtained from "-largs options".
1. gnatmake examines both an ali file and its corresponding object file
for consistency. If an ali is more recent than its corresponding object,
or the object is missing, the corresponding source will be recompiled.
Note that gnatmake expects an ali and the corresponding object file
to be in the same directory.
2. Instead of typing a "-" in front of every switch you can group
switches. Thus, instead of typing "gnatmake -a -f" you can type
"gnatmake -af" Note, however, that the "-g" switch has to be on its
own to be recognized.
3. If there are no recompilations gnatmake tells you so, unless you've
used -q, in which case gnatmake is silent. Thus when you type
"gnatmake -n -q unit", gnatmake will either return the full path name
of the first file that needs to be recompiled, or it will be silent. Thus
"gnatmake -n -q" can be used as input to further tools.
4. If the user types "gnatmake file.adb" where file.adb is the body
of a generic unit, then gnatmake will recompile file.adb systematically
because it finds no ali and then will stop. In particular take care that
in this case "gnatmake -n -q file.adb" will always return "file.adb".
5. If you gnatmake a spec that has a body (say "unit.ads") or a sub-unit
you will get
% gnatmake unit.ads
gcc -c unit.ads
No code generated for t1 (spec) in file t1.ads
gnatmake: *** compilation failed.
The compilation "fails" because specs or sub-units generate no
code. To avoid the message use the -gnatc flag (semantics only).
% gnatmake unit.ads -cargs -gnatc
gcc -c -gnatc unit.ads
Smart gnatmake
Not implemented yet. Coming to your local ftp site soon.
Constraint Checking and Pragma Suppress
In the current version there are some checks performed that are mentioned in
the LRM in section 11.7. These are:
range checks on signed integer and enumeration types
(assignment, in parameters and initial values in object declarations)
index checks
access checks
Since this is relatively new, there might still be some cases where exceptions
are raised where they shouldn't. To disable constraint checks, compile the
program with the "-gnatp" option. This is equivalent to having Pragma suppress
applied to everything. Gdb can be used to find where the exception was raised.
See the section on "Using gdb" for further information.
Arithmetic Overflow Checking
Compiling with the default options results in code that performs range
checking against constraints (see -gnatp for suppressing such checks).
However, the default mode does not enable checking for arithmetic overflow
and division by zero.
If this checking is required, then the -gnato switch should be set. This
causes appropriate additional code to be generated to check for both
overflow and division by zero (resulting in raising Constraint_Error as
required by the Ada semantics).
Note that the -gnato switch does not affect the code generated for any
floating-point operations; it applies only to integer operations. For
floating-point, GNAT has Machine_Overflows set to False, and the normal
mode of operation is to generate IEEE NaN and infinite values on overflow
or invalid operations (such as dividing 0.0 by 0.0)
The checks generated by -gnato are quite expensive, which is why they
are not the generated by default. This is because GCC does not yet use
specialized hardware features (flags, sticky flags, traps etc.) for the
detection of integer overflow. Eventually we plan to implement more
efficient integer overflow checking in the future.
Order of Compilation Issues.
If, in our example, there were a spec for the hello procedure, it would
be contained in the file "hello.ads"; yet this file would not need to be
explicitly compiled. This is the result of the model we chose to implement
library management. Details of the model can be found in file gnote1. Some of
the unexpected consequences of the model (unexpected from the point of view
of existing Ada compiler systems) are the following:
o There is no point in compiling generics or specifications (except for
package specifications with no bodies), since these are compiled as
needed by clients. If you do attempt a useless compilation, you will
get a warning message. It is also useless to compile subunits in this
mode, since they are compiled as needed by the parent.
o There are no order of compilation requirements, and performing a
compilation never obsoletes anything. The only way you can obsolete
something and require recompilations is if one of the relevant source
files is modified.
o There is no library as such, apart from the .ali files, whose format
is also described in libfmt.ads. For now, we find it convenient to
create separate .ali files, but eventually the information therein may
be incorporated into the object file directly.
o When you compile a unit, the source files for the specs of all
units that it WITH's, all its subunits, and the bodies of any
generics it instantiates must be around (findable by the search
paths mechanism described above), or you will get a fatal error
The above may seem surprising. Just to provide one immediate assurance,
all of this does not mean that we are violating Ada's strict consistency
rules; they are enforced instead by the binder.
File Name Rules
The current version of GNAT requires that file names match compilation unit
names. The matching rules are as follows:
o The file name is obtained by replacing dots in the unit name with
minus signs, and adding a suffix distinguishing bodies and specs.
The suffix for specs is ".ads" and for bodies is ".adb".
For example, files containing the unit very_long_unit_name would be
on systems supporting long file names.
o When running under systems which permit only short file names,
(like DOS and OS/2 under FAT) the file name itself needs to be
crunched to 8 characters. You can always find out the name it expects
by running gnatk8 or compiling it (since it warns you if it's wrong).
So in DOS or OS/2 under FAT the filenames above would be crunched to:
(The full details of the crunching algorithm are in source code of
krunch.ads and krunch.adb)
Under DOS -gnatk8 is the default, so crunching always takes place.
On all systems the RTL files are all crunched to 8 characters.
As mentioned in the previous section, gnatk8 can be used to find out what
the krunched name of a file should be when using the -k8 (-gnatk8) option.
The first argument can now be an Ada name with dots or it can be the Gnat
name of the unit where the dots representing child units or subunit are
replaced by hypens. The only confusion arises if a name ends .ads or
.adb, and we take this to be an extension if there are no other dots in the
name and the whole name is in lower case.
The second argument represents the length of the krunched name. The default
without any argument given is 8 characters. A length of zero stands for
unlimited, i.e. no chop except for system files which are always 8.
gnatk8 very_long_unit_name.ads ----> velounna.ads
gnatk8 very_long_unit_name.ads 6 ----> vlunna.ads
gnatk8 very_long_unit_name.ads 0 ----> very_long_unit_name.ads
gnatk8 grandparent-parent-child.ads ----> grparchi.ads
gnatk8 grandparent.parent.child ----> grparchi
gnatk8 grandparent.parent.child.adb -----> grpachad
Here the .adb at the end is taken as part of the unit name as explained in
one of the preceeding paragraphs above.
Compiling Files With Several Compilation Units.
GNAT can only deal with files that contain a single Ada compilation unit.
However, since it is an established style for certain types of programs
to contain more than one compilation in a file, such as in test suites,
a simple utility program, "gnatchop", is provided to preprocess the file
and split it several other files, one for each compilation unit.
gnatchop takes a filename with any extension. This name can basically
be anything.
Usage : gnatchop [-k] [-r] [-s] [-w] filename [directory]
k limit filenames to 8 characters
r generate source reference pragmas
s generate a compilation script
w overwrite existing filenames
filename source file
directory directory to place split files (default is the current directory)
For example, assume archive contains package spec part1, package body
part1, package spec part2, package body part2.adb and subprogram part3 in
any sequence.
"gnatchop archive" will create five files in the current directory called
part1.ads, part1.adb, part2.ads, part2.adb, part3.adb. The optional directory
argument places all the split files in that directory rather than the current
directory. The directory must already exist otherwise gnatchop will reject it.
If at least one of the files to be split already exists, gnatchop will issue a
message and exit unless the -w flag is used to overwrite existing files.
The -r flag causes source reference pragmas to be generated at the start of
each file written. These pragmas will cause error message references and
debugging source information to refer back to the original unchopped files.
This is appropriate if you intend to maintain the program in unchopped form.
The -s flag generates a script which can be used to compile all the units
contained in the original source file.
Suppose that you wanted to compile all the units contained in a given file
called "archive" with some specific options like -gnatv, -O2 and -g. The
gnatchop with -s option will generate a script with the appropriate
extension depending on the the operating system. Then the script is
invoked with the options following at the end as given below.
gnatchop -s archive
In Unix: sh archive.sh -gnatv -O2 -g
In Dos : archive.bat -gnatv -O2 -g
In OS/2: archive.cmd -gnatv -O2 -g
The -k flag krunches the names of the units to be 8 characters followed by the
ads or adb extension.
Currently, if you want to specify more than one flag, you need to specify
them separately. For example, if you want to split archive.adb and specify
both the -s and the -w flags, type "gnatchop -s -w archive" instead of
"gnatchop -sw archive". This limitation will be lifted in the near future.
Note: gnatchop works fine for the case of a single compilation unit in a
file, and this is useful in dealing with files that do not have names
satisfying the GNAT naming requirements.
Cross Reference Tool.
The GNAT system provides a standalone tool, gnatf, which allows for
syntax and semantics checking without any code generation. This is
somewhat faster than using "gcc -gnatc".
Note: the standard gnat options that do not concern code generation are
still available in gnatf. However, they should not be preceeded by
-gnat, so to do syntax only checking with gnatf, use `gnatf -s file.adb'
not `gnatf -gnats file.adb'.
The real point of gnatf is that it contains a cross reference (xref)
tool. The goal of the xref tool is:
1. Give precise information about all declared entities
(where they are defined and where they are used).
This is particularly useful in the ada emacs mode
that you will find with the distribution (see Ada Emacs
Mode below).
2. Emit warnings if an entity is defined but never used or
a with clause is unnecessary, misplaced or redundant
(more on this later).
3. In the future this tool will be the backbone of a smart
recompilation system which should reduce the number of
recompilations in the event of minor source code
Usage : gnatf [-x[1-6]] files
files The list of Ada source files to cross reference.
-x[1-6] The -x[1-6] flags control the amount of information given
by the xref tool. Flags -x1 and -x2 control the level of
warnings generated. These warnings are output on standard
error (usually the screen). Flags -x1 and -x2 do not cause
any cross reference information to be generated.
Flags -x[345] distribute cross reference information across
several files. Specifically for each file "f.adb" (resp. "f.ads")
in the `files' list we create a file "f.xrb" (resp. "f.xrs")
containing all cross reference information (more on this below).
Flag -x6 centralizes and stores this information in the single
file "X.ref".
Flags usage:
-x1 Issues warnings for unnecessary, misplaced or redundant
``with'' clauses. Specifically, a warning message is
generated in the following cases:
- A compilation unit which is withed but never used
(this works with child library units as well).
- A compilation unit which is withed in a body (resp.
subunit) if the same with clause already appears in
the spec (resp. spec or body for subunits).
- A compilation unit which is withed within a spec
but is used only by the body or a subunit.
-x2 Issues warnings on unused entities, that is entities that
are declared but never used. Note that we give *no*
warnings for unreferenced entities like:
- Record fields, since they could be referenced indirectly
by an aggregate.
- Enumeration entities, since they could be referenced
indirectly by enumeration ranges:
for i in Color'First .. Color'Last
- Loop parameters
for I in 1 .. 80 loop
Put ('x');
end loop;
-x[345] Generate cross-reference information. Flag -x3 gives the most
succint xref information, -x5 the most comprehensive. Flag -x4
gives more information than -x3 but not as much as -x5. The
information given by flags -x3 and -x4 will be used in the smart
recompilation system currently under development and will
be described hereafter. Flag -x5 lists all entities defined or
used in the analyzed compilation units. It gives the source
location of their definition and all their uses in the analyzed
-x6 The cross reference output is the same as with -x5 except that
with -x6 all cross reference information is stored in the single
file "X.ref" and the entity kind of each cross referenced entity
is also given.
Cross reference information and smart recompilation
The cross reference information gathered by flags -x3 and -x4 is a
subset of the information specified by flag -x5. The -x[34]
information is specifically tailored to the smart recompilation system
currently under development. When flags -x3 or -x4 are selected, then
for each compilation unit "Unit" analyzed by the xref tool we gather
the following information:
* The full graph of the source files directly or indirectly loaded as
a result of compiling "Unit" along with their time stamp. This graph
includes the with-ed unit graph rooted at "Unit" but contains also
other units automatically loaded by gnat during code generation
(generic bodies, subunits, bodies of inlined subprograms). This graph
is created only for flags -x[345].
* The list of entities that can be exported from "Unit" to other Ada
sources along with their line and column of definition and use in
If "Unit" is a subprogram or package spec, the notion of exported
entity matches the set of entities listed therein. If "Unit" is a
package body with no generics or inlined subprograms then no entities
are exported. In general, however, the set of entities exported from
"Unit" is the set of entities that are needed across compilation units
by gnat when generating code. Specifically inlined subprogram bodies
or generic bodies are always exported since these are inlined at the
point of use or instantiation. The same happens for subunits, which are
inlined in the parent unit.
The difference between flags -x3 and -x4 is that -x3 omits all
generic bodies or inlined subprograms from the exported entities,
while flag -x4 includes them. Both -x3 and -x4 consider subunits as
exported entities.
In addition we only consider outermost visible entities to be
exported. That is a record or enumeration type may be exported but its
inner fields or enumeration literals are never considered exported
entities. Likewise for subprogram parameters and discriminants.
* The list of entities *directly* imported by "Unit" from other Ada
sources, along with their lines and columns where they are used in
The notion of imported entities falls off the notion of exported
entities (what is exported by one unit may be imported by another).
Cross reference file structure:
The xref file is divided into various sections. There is one section
for each compilation unit explicitly requested in `files'. We
call these units, the RUs, short for requested units. There is also
one section for each AU, short for auxiliary unit, that is, those
compilation units that get implicitly loaded by the compiler, but
whose compilation has not been explicitly requested by the user.
Specs of withed packages are typical auxiliary units.
All entities exported by RUs (flags -x3 and -x4) or all entities
belonging to RUs (flags -x5 and -x6) appear in the xref file(s).
However, only the entities defined in AUs that are imported in RUs
appear in the xref file. Their order is the order of declaration in
the source files.
The sections in the xref referring to RUs and AUs are respectively denoted:
%% unit.ad[sb] for a RU.
-- unit.ad[sb] for an AU.
Note: An entitiy defined inside a generic and used through a generic
instantiation, is listed under the xref section of the generic unit.
Example: Follows a list of files and the corresponding cross reference.
01 with Part1; -- unused
02 with Part2; use Part2;
03 procedure Test is
05 Thing : Number;
06 type Client is record
07 Number : Integer;
08 State : Boolean;
09 end record;
10 type Color is (Red, Green); -- unused
11 My_Client : Client;
13 begin
14 My_Client.Number := 1;
15 My_Client.State := True;
16 Thing := 20;
17 Thing := Thing + Thing;
18 end;
01 package Part1 is
02 type Useless is new Integer;
03 end;
01 package Part2 is
02 type Number is new Integer range 1 .. 1000;
03 The_Number : constant := 42;
04 end;
The result of invoking `gnatf -x5 test.adb' is the following
(just skim the "test.xrb", explanations follow):
Warnings on stderr (the screen)
test.adb:1:06: warning: "Part1" withed but unused.
test.adb:3:11: warning: "Test" unused
test.adb:10:09: warning: "Color" unused
01 V "SGNAT v1.0 "
02 test.adb 941012154746 2 3
03 part1.ads 941012154531
04 part2.ads 941012154620
06 %% test.adb
07 test 3:11
08 thing 5:4
09 {16:4 17:4 17:13 17:21}
10 client 6:9
11 {11:16}
12 client.number 7:7
13 {14:14}
14 client.state 8:7
15 {15:14}
16 color 10:9
17 red 10:19
18 green 10:24
19 my_client 11:4
20 {14:4 15:4}
22 -- part1.ads
23 part1 1:9
24 {1:6}
26 -- part2.ads
27 part2 1:9
28 {2:6 2:17}
29 number 2:9
30 {5:14}
File "Test" is the only RU (requested unit). AUs (auxiliary
units are packages "Part1" and "Part2". First the graph of
the loaded units with their time stamps is given
02 test.adb 941012154746 2 3
03 part1.ads 941012154531
04 part2.ads 941012154620
Unit "Test" requires the loading of units "Part1" and "Part2"
(the second and third units listed in the inclusion graph).
06 %% test.adb
07 [...]
08 thing 5:4
09 {16:4 17:4 17:13 17:21}
means that "Thing" is an entity (a variable) defined in line 5
column 4 and used in line 16 column 4, line 17 columns 4, 13 and 21
in file "test.adb".
Note that entity "Useless" may be used in units other than "Test"
but that information is not contained in the "test.xrb" since "Test"
does not use "Useless".
Implementation of Intrinsic Functions.
GNAT version 1.79 begins to implement intrinsic functions. In particular,
the shift functions predefined in Interfaces are now implemented.
The implementation is quite general. You can define shift operations (i.e.
one of the five operations, Shift_Left, Shift_Right, Shift_Right_Arithmetic,
Rotate_Left, Rotate_Right) on any integer type, signed or unsigned, whose
Size is 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits, and then provide an appropriate pragma Import
Intrinsic, and everything will work.
In other words, the package Interfaces is not using any special magic, and
you can do exactly what it does to make shift operations available for any
integer types that meet the size criteria (shift operations for wierd-sized
integers seem too marginal to worry about!)
type My_Type is new Integer;
function Shift_Left (Val : My_Type; Count : Natural) return My_Type;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
The exact requirements on the pragma Import are as follows:
The function must have one of the five standard names
There must be two arguments
The first argument can be of any integer type with a size of 8, 16, 32, 64
either signed or unsigned.
The return type must be the same as the first argument type
The second argument (the shift count), can be of any integer type
Getting Internal Debugging Information.
Most compilers have secret internal debugging switches and modes. GNAT is
no exception, except that nothing about GNAT is secret. A summary and full
description of all the compiler/binder debug flags can be found in the file
debug.adb. You will have to get the sources of the compiler to see the full
detailed effects of these, but feel free to experiment with them.
The switches that print the source of the program (reconstructed from the
internal tree) are of general interest, as are the options to print the full
internal tree, and the entity table (that is to say, the symbol table
When GNAT crashes.
There are several things you can do when GNAT does the unexpected while
compiling your Ada program, such as aborting with a segmentation fault
or illegal memory access, raising an internal exception, or otherwise
terminating abnormally. The following lines of action are of course
palliatives that will become unecessary as the system becomes more complete
and robust. The following strategies are presented in increasing order of
difficulty, corresponding to the sophistication of the user, and her
curiosity about the functioning of the compiler.
1. run gcc with the -gnatf and -gnate switches.
The 'f' switch causes all errors on a given line to be reported. In
its absence, only the first error on a line is displayed.
The 'e' switch causes errors to be displayed as soon as they are
encountered, rather than after compilation is terminated.
Often this will be enough to identify the construct that produced the crash.
2. run gcc with -v (verbose) switch. In this mode, gcc produces ongoing
information about progress of the compilation and in particular the name
of each procedure as it begins to generate code for it. This switch
allows you to find which Ada procedure it was compiling when it ran into
a code generation problem.
3. run gcc with the -gnatdc switch. This is a GNAT-specific switch that
does for the front-end what -v does for the back-end. The system prints
the name of each unit, either compilation unit or nested unit, as it
is being analyzed.
4. On systems that have gdb available (like most Unix systems), you can run
gdb directly on the gnat1 executable. Gnat1 is the front-end of
GNAT, and can be run independently (normally it is just called from gcc).
You can use gdb on gnat1 as you would on a C program (but see below for
caveats). The "where" command is the first line of attack; the variable
"lineno" (seen by "print lineno") used by the second phase of gnat1
and by the gcc back-end, indicates the source line at which the execution
stopped, and "input_filename" the name of the source file.
Using gdb
Gdb awaits modifications to handle Ada properly, and for now can only be
used as it would be for a c program. (Someone is working on the proper
extensions, and these will appear in subsequent releases.) In the meantime,
the following naming conventions will allow you to find the Ada entities
defined in your program:
a) The names of all entities (variables, subprograms, etc.) are converted to
lower case.
b) Entities that appear in library package declarations have the name
package_name__subprogram_name (Note the two underscores separating
package name from subprogram name).
Exceptions can be caught by breaking in the "__gnat_raise" routine and then
doing a "bt" or "where" command.
GNAT specific pragmas
Full documentation of the GNAT specific pragmas can be found in the GNAT
source file sem_prag.adb. You need to retrieve the latest source
distribution to view this file. An exception is made for Source_File_Name
which is documented here as well.
pragma Source_File_Name
The source file name pragma allows a program to override the normal
naming convention. It is a configuration pragma, and so has the usual
applicability of configuration pragmas (i.e. it applies to either an
entire partition, or to all units in a compilation, or to a single
unit, depending on how it is used. The form of the pragma is:
pragma Source_File_Name (
[UNIT_NAME =>] unit_NAME,
The given unit name is mapped to the given file name. The identifier
for the second argument is required, and indicates whether this is
the file name for the spec or for the body.
Any number of Source_File_Name pragmas can be put in a file called
gnat.adc and will apply to compilations in the current directory.
Unless the extension of the filename is ".ads", ".adb", or ".ada",
you must prefix the filename with "-x ada" on the gcc command you
use to compile it. That prefix applies to all subsequent filenames
on the command unless you disable it with "-x none".
The GNAT system provides a number of options that allow a trade off between
o performance of the generated code
o speed of compilation
o minimization of dependencies and recompilation
o degree of runtime checking
The defaults if no options are selected are aimed at improving the speed
of compilation and minimizing dependences at the expense of performance
of the generated code:
o no optimization
o no inlining of subprogram calls
o all runtime checks enabled except overflow and elaboration checks
These options are suitable for most program development purposes. This
section of the documentation describes how these options can be modified.
Runtime Checks
The default is to include all runtime checks except arithmetic overflow
checking for integer operations (including division by zero), and checks
for access before elaboration on subprogram calls.
Two gcc switches allow this default to be modified:
This switch suppresses all runtime checks. This will improve the
performance of the code at the expense of safety in the presence
of invalid data or program bugs.
This switch enables overflow checking for integer operations and checks
for access before elaboration on subprogram calls. This will generate
slower and larger executable programs.
Our experience is that the default is suitable for most development purposes.
The reason that we treat integer overflow and elaboration checks specially is
that these are quite expensive, and in our experience are not so important as
other runtime checks in the development process.
Note that the setting of the switches controls the default setting of the
checks. They may be modified using either Suppress (to remove checks) or
Unsuppress (to add back suppressed checks) pragmas in the program source.
Optimization Levels
The default is optimization off. This results in the fastest compile times,
but GNAT makes absolutely no attempt to optimize, and the generated programs
are considerably larger and slower. The switch
where n is an integer from 0 to 3, can be used on the GCC command to control
the optimization level:
-O0 no optimization (the default)
-O1 medium level optimization
-O2 full optimization
-O3 full optimization, and also attempt automatic inlining of small
subprograms within a unit (see next section for further details).
The penalty in compilation time, and the improvement in execution time, both
depend on the particular application and the hardware environment. You should
experiment to find the best level for your application.
Note: unlike the case with some other compiler systems, GCC has been tested
extensively at all optimization levels. There are some bugs which appear only
with optimization turned on, but there have also been bugs which show up only
in unoptimized code. Selecting a lower level of optimization does not improve
the reliability of the code generator, which in practice is highly reliable
at all optimization levels.
Inlining of Subprograms
A call to a subprogram in the current unit is inlined if all the following
conditions are met:
o The optimization level is at least -O1
o The called subprogram is suitable for inlining. It must be
small enough and not contain nested subprograms or anything
else that GCC cannot support in inlined subprograms.
o The call occurs after the definition of the body of the subprogram.
o Either pragma Inline applies to the subprogram, or it is very small
and automatic inlining (optimization level -O3) is specified.
Calls to subprograms in with'ed units are normally not inlined. To achieve
this level of inlining, the following conditions must be true.
o The optimization level is at least -O1
o The called subprogram is suitable for inlining. It must be
small enough and not contain nested subprograms or anything
else that GCC cannot support in inlined subprograms.
o The call appears in a body (not in a package spec).
o There is a pragma Inline for the subprogram
o The -gnatn switch is used in the GCC command line
Note that specifying the -gnatn switch causes additional compilation
dependencies. Consider the following:
package R is
procedure Q;
pragma Inline Q;
end R;
package body R is
end R;
with R;
procedure Main is
end Main;
With the default behavior (no -gnatn switch specified), the compilation of
the Main procedure depends only on its own source, main.adb, and the spec
of the package in file r.ads. This means that editing the body of R does
not require recompiling Main.
On the other hand, the call R.Q is not inlined under these circumstances. If
the -gnatn switch is present when Main is compiled, then the call will be
inlined if the body of Q is small enough, but now Main depends on the body
of R in r.adb as well as the spec. This means that if the body is edited,
then the main program must be recompiled. Note that this extra dependency
occurs whether or not the call is in fact inlined by GCC.
Note: the GCC switch -fno-inline can be used to prevent all inlining. This
switch overrides all other conditions, and ensures that no inlining occurs.
The extra dependencies resulting from -gnatn will still be active, even if
the -fno-inline switch is used.
New WARNING messages related to accessibility checks and private packages
GNAT version 2.05 implements two new checks that we anticipate will cause
some problems to existing programs.
First, static accessibility checks are implemented. These catch two common
Improper use of 'Access attribute. These can usually be "corrected" by
the use of 'Unchecked_Access in the variable case, but good Ada style
says that the use of 'Unchecked_Access should be restricted, just like
the use of Unchecked_Conversion. Unchecked_Access can lead to dangling
pointers, and at the least careful analysis is needed.
The invalid use of 'Access for subprograms is harder to fix in a
"legitimate" manner. GNAT provides the 'Unrestricted_Access attribute
that can be applied to subprograms in defiance of the accessibility
rules (e.g. to create downward closures), but this attribute is not
portable, and, as described by Bob Duff "naughty". So think twice at
least before casually "fixing" your problem this way. Dangling
subprogram pointers are particularly unpleasant. Another alternative
is to use a generic, and pass the subprogram as a generic formal
The other common error is the derivation of a tagged type at a deeper
nesting level than the parent type. This is also illegal (because it
could cause dangling hidden subprogram pointers in dispatch tables).
GNAT is not about to provide a way around this error, you must
restructure your program. The simplest approach is to define all
tagged types at the library level.
Note in particular that all controlled types are derived from library
level types, and so can only be declared at the library level. This is
such a common case, that we have special-cased the error message.
The second new check is for the (mis)use of private packages. This caused
some unwelcome surprises in the GNAT code itself. Again, the only proper
remedy is to restructure (or possibly reconsider the use of private
packages). The critical rule is that specs cannot with a private package
unless they are themselves private.
We are thinking of introducing a pragma that would provide some protection
for withing packages that are not intended to be public, but are needed in
specs, stay tuned!
Meanwhile, in version 2.05, these error messages are warnings, but take care,
they are really illegalities, and in 2.06 they will be changed to be error
messages instead of warnings, so you have one version to clean up your act
with respect to accessibility and private packages!
Features supported/unsupported
A full listing of features supported/unsupported is available separately in
the file "features" included in the distribution. Note that this usually
changes with each distribution, so read often.
If you want to examine the workings of the GNAT system, the following
haiku-like description of its organization might be of minimal use:
File with prefix "sc" contain the lexical scanner.
All files prefixed with "par" are components of the parser. The numbers
correspond to chapters of the Ada 83 LRM (or the corresponding sections of
the Ada 95 LRM). For example, parsing of select statements can be found
in par-ch9.
All files prefixed with "sem" perform semantic analysis. Same numbering scheme.
For example, all issues involving context clauses can be found in sem_ch10.
All files prefixed with "exp" perform AST normalization and expansion.
For example, the construction of record initialization procedures is
done in exp_ch3.
The files prefixed with "bind" implement the binder, which verifies the
consistency of the compilation, determines an order of elaboration, and
generates the bind file.
The file atree details the low-level data structures used by the front-end.
The file sinfo details the structure of the AST as produced by the parser.
The file einfo details the attributes of all entities, computed during
semantic analysis.
Library management issues are dealt with in files with prefix "lib".
Files with prefix a- are GNAT-specific C files. They are the components of
Gigi (gnat-to-gnu), the program that translates the Ada AST into gcc tree
fragments. Gigi makes use of C versions of atree, einfo and sinfo, called
a-atree.[ch], a-einfo.[ch] and a-sinfo.h respectively.
All the other .c files are modifications of common GCC files.
Happy browsing!
Ada Mode for Emacs
In the subdirectory `emacs-ada-mode' you will find a bunch of files
implementing an Ada mode under Gnu emacs. The mode is still under
development, but a number of features are complete. For instance, the
Ada mode has the same indenting friendliness that C programmers get
with the c-mode, you can toggle between spec and body with a few
keystrokes, etc. This mode also uses gnatf to be able to point to an
entity with the mouse, click it and open a window with its definition.
This mode is copywrited by Markus Heritsch and Rolf Ebert.
Copyright Considerations
Everything is copyrighted using the GNU public license. This means that you
can copy everything freely, but you can't incorporate the code directly
into a commercial program. For more information on the GNU license,
see the file header. One important note is that it is possible to use
GNAT to generate software that is not itself covered by the GNU license.
This is because all library and runtime units are covered by a modified
version of the GPL which explicitly permits this use.
Submitting Bug Reports
We welcome bug reports, they are of course a vital part of the process of
getting GNAT into solid shape. You will help us (and make it more likely
that you receive a timely response) if you follow these guidelines. We
try to process all bug reports from both users supported by Ada Core
Technologies, and from unsupported users. Naturally supported users have
our priority attention, so we cannot guarantee any specific response for
unsupported users.
We only receive bug reports by internet, addressed to report@gnat.com.
At the moment we cannot process bug reports from any other source.
Note: if you believe you have found a GCC (C language or configuration
file) bug rather than an GNAT (Ada language) bug please report it to
bug-gcc@prep.ai.mit.edu. If you have found a bug when using GCC to
compile C++, please report it to bug-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu.
Please put one bug in a message, and add a short but specific subject (a
general subject like "GNAT bug" is not so useful, a title like "bug in
visibility with generics" is more useful).
Please include full sources. We can't duplicate errors without the full
sources. Include all sources in the single email message with appropriate
indications in the multiple file cases, see below.
Please send all sources in plain ASCII form, we can't process compressed,
uuencoded etc. messages in our current form (they have to go through extra
steps, and easily get lost, separated from the author etc during this process).
Please include COMPLETE identification of the version of the system you are
To be maximally helpful, for a report that contains multiple separate
compilation units, and hence multiple files, submit them in the form of
a single file that is acceptable input to gnatchop (used to be called gnatsplit
on versions of GNAT prior to 1.80), i.e. contains no non-Ada text. If you use
banners to separate the files, make sure they are composed entirely of blank
lines or Ada comments.
If you want to be maximally helpful, try to reduce your example to a simple one
but DON'T spend too much time doing this. Especially when you are reporting
a blow up during compilation, rather than bad code generated, we can in
practice work with big sources if you have trouble narrowing things down.
If a bug involves incorrect operation of the generated code, then the first
thing the program should do is to output a line indicating the expected
output or behavior. If at all possible, do a test later on that prints
out "passed" or "failed" depending on the behavior. Of course it may not
always be possible to structure a test this way, but that's the most
convenient form (for obvious reasons!)
When we receive a bug report, we take a preliminary look to categorize it
into one of the following:
1. Pilot error, documentation problems, installation problems etc.
2. Interesting comment, suggestion etc, but not a bug
3. Bug that we already know about
4. Bug that is already fixed in our development version
5. Obvious bug that we correct immediately in our development version
6. Real genuine new unfixed bug.
In the first 5 cases, you will get a message telling you the status. In the
6th case only, we assign a bug tracking number of the form mmdd-nnn, where
mmdd is the date of receipt, and nnn is a serial number (highest value so
far 005, but you never know!) In this case, the release notes will tell you
what the status of the bug is, and also we will send you a message when it
is fixed.
To send reports to us on the system, or ask questions, send messages to
To contact team members, send messages to:
or visit our home page at http://www.gnat.com
To obtain electronically the latest version of the system, FTP from:
cs.nyu.edu (directory pub/gnat)
This FTP directory also includes full sources for the system, full
documentation and technical notes, as well as executables of the system
for several targets. We are sorry that our limited resources do not allow
us to distribute the system through other media.
We trust that this information will be mirrored at other FTP sites around
the world (we encourage such mirroring to occur), which will make it easier
for users in other continents to obtain the GNAT system without heavy
communication uncertainties.
We will make available new releases of GNAT at around 5 or 6 week intervals
for the time being. Please recall that releases of the system are still only
snapshots of work in progress. We hope that it will be of some use in the
work of others, even in its current embryonic form.
A short gnat paper
A TeX file of a short paper describing something about the GNAT project is
included under the name gnatdoc1.tex.
Ada Information Resources On the Internet
There is a wealth of Ada-related information available on the Internet.
The simplest way to access it is via a World Wide Web (WWW) browser
such as Mosaic or Netscape. Start up your browser and "open"
the following URLs that interest you:
The home page of Ada Core Technologies, the maintainers of GNAT
The Ada WWW server in Lausanne, Switzerland; this server has
a wealth of Ada-related information.
Ada frequently-asked questions (FAQs).
Lovelace, a free interactive Ada 95 tutorial.
An annotated list of Ada-oriented textbooks.
The Public Ada Library (PAL); this contains lots of software.
The Ada Information Clearinghouse.
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)'s SIGAda home page.
There is also a newsgroup, comp.lang.ada, specifically
dedicated to Ada.